Get full value for the rent you pay

Landlords routinely factor about a dozen costs into your rent, including their mortgage, real estate taxes, insurance, utilities, security, capital expenses, landlord broker's commission and tenant broker's commission.  If you don't retain a tenant broker, the money goes to a bigger commission for the landlord broker or stays in the landlord's pocket, enhancing his return.

     For 3 to 5 cents out of every dollar, CTRR provides protection far beyond the capabilities of a good lawyer who naturally focuses on legal issues.  For instance, CTRR can provide:

  • Comprehensive market surveys, to report the pros and cons of sites which best suit your specifications.
  • Confidential landlord reports, to inform you about the level of tenant satisfaction/dissatisfaction in buildings you're interested in, the financial ability of the respective landlords to fulfill their obligations and any indications that they violated the leases of other tenants.
  • Lease analysis, to identify hidden costs in landlord draft leases and to estimate the total lease term costs.
  • Lease negotiations, including crucial business issues often missed by attorneys.
  • Workletter negotiations, to independently value what a landlord offers, negotiate sufficient value for your initial buildout needs, and negotiate workable construction procedures.
  • On-site follow-up after your lease is signed, to make sure you get what we bargained for.
  • Lease audits, to determine whether a landlord has honored or evaded the terms of your lease, to negotiate the recovery of any overcharges due you and to develop landlord performance benchmarks so you'll know what additional protections your company might need in the next lease.
  • Real estate tax challenges, to develop a case for lower real property tax assessments, if applicable, and negotiate tax reductions.
  • Lease administration, to help establish and/or monitor systems for administering a portfolio of leases across the United States.